Thursday, November 10, 2005

Being: theology and a small, insistent voice

A small, insistent voice told me to call my pastor friend, Carol, today. So I did.

Carol and I have known one another since 1984, the year that she came to East Lansing to serve as a campus pastor at the church I attended.

She gave me the names of two books which I may ask Santa for; both are by the esteemed theologian, Douglas John Hall.

The first title is Bound and Free; A Theologian's Journey which talks about life as a gift. We were talking about life as something to be "consumed" and how unappealing a verb that is. Carol mentioned that Hall speaks of being good stewards of that which is a gift, life. I'm intrigued.

The second title is Why Christian? People on the Edge of Faith (or something close to that) which, I presume, was her gentle nudging of me to seek and find a spiritual community with which I can participate.

As more than just a few people have told me, I probably should have studied theology. I positively LOVE reading theology.

And that is a "being" part of me, not a "doing" part.

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