Sunday, July 11, 2010

Prayer/Verse (2010)

So, here's my first edit:

O Nameless One
who beckons me
Is it you whose silent whisperings
fill my ears?
Whose presence I sense
even alone?

Who are you?
What is your name?
Where can I find you?

I daydream/envision/imagine you
not as a being
but a state of being,

Not a being
but the power that gives us being.

I shall call you the Holy One
... the Holy One
Yes, the Holy One.

You are in all
and all is within you

You suffuse all that is
and was
and is yet to be.

The ordinary and mundane,
the profound and sublime.

You are the knowing beyond me
and the knowing within me.

How shall I see you, O Holy One?
O Faceless One?

Not a particle of matter but a wave of energy?
A neural network, countless pulsing points of life?
A boundless moving mesh?
A divine web, swaying in the breeze of eternity?
With your gossamer strands
fluttering throughout and in my life?

-- from our final retreat,
"In Your Own Voice," December 9, 1995, edited July 11, 2010

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